Sunday, 28 August 2016

Parents Guide to Writing Private High School Application Essays

Your teenager's entrance into private high school cannot be taken for granted. With public schools beset with a variety of problems - discipline, poor test results, safety - private high schools offer your child a quality education in a safe environment.
When you request an information package from a private high school, you will discover that essays and short answer essays are required from both you and your teenager. Your teen, who should be comfortable with answering essay style questions will be asked about his academic strengths and weaknesses, his desire to attend the private school and about his hobbies and extra-curricular activities. Questions directed to parents, however, often have a different focus and are designed with different purposes in mind.
Usually, the essay questions directed to parents are analytical in nature. Instead of asking for facts, these questions ask you to speak about your teens character, to discuss family dynamics and to gauge your role as a supporter of the private school. Private high school admittance directors recognize that teenagers who are brought up in a stable, education focused home, are much more likely to succeed than their peers who have less support at home.
Similarly, private school administrators look at your essay answers to determine whether you can be counted on to support the high school financially or through volunteer work. As you might imagine, administrators cannot legally or ethically ask some of these questions but they can draw inferences based on your answers to application questions.
Analytical Questions
For example, an entrance application question may ask what you believe your child can contribute to the XYZ school. This type of question is really asking you to speak to your child's academic, social, athletic and out-of-school interests. If you have visited the school, reference your visit to show that you have made an effort to learn more about the school. Your answer should address each of your child's areas of interest and strength. Here is a sample answer to this question:
During our recent visit to the XYZ School, Tommy pointed out to me the well equipped science lab and asked a number of questions about the science curriculum available to students at the school. Tommy has a long standing interest in studying science and he has performed well in elementary school and we believe that he will bring that interest and aptitude to his high school studies. His current teachers note that Tommy regularly asks thoughtful and insightful questions in class. In addition to working hard to perform well academically, Tommy will be an willing participant in the school's baseball team and/or its marching band. Tommy keeps a busy schedule during the school year and as a well rounded and serious young man, he will represent the ideals and message of the XYZ School now and in the future.
Family Stability and Religious Questions
Other questions will more directly ask you about your future participation in school fund raising and other activities. These questions are designed to evaluate the stability of your home life and your future financial support potential. For example a religious school application might ask about the role your religion plays in your life. A non-religious school might ask why you are considering the XYZ School. Here is a sample answer to this type of question:

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Physical Education Teachers Can Help Students With Dyslexia Through Sport

Dyslexia is a complicated process that involves many different procedures and cognitive faculties. Before people are discussing the specific syndromes of acquired dyslexia, the processes mediating word recognition and pronunciation are briefly reviewed. The visual system efficiently processes a complicated stimulus that is, at least for like alphabet based on languages, is composed of smaller meaningful unit letters. In part the number of words, there is often a considerable visual similarity between words. In addition, the position of letters within the letter string is also critical to word identification. The light of theses factors, it is perhaps not surprising that reading places a substantial burden on the visual system and those disorders of visual processing or visual attention may substantially disrupt reading.
The fact that normal readers are so adept at word recognition has led some investigators to suggest that words are not processed as a series of distinct letters but rather as a single entity in a "process akin" to the recognition of objects. At least for normal readers under standard conditions, it seems that this does not appear to be the case. Rather, normal reading appears to require the identification of letters as alphabetic symbols. Support for this claim comes from demonstrating that presenting words in an unfamiliar form for example, by alternating the case of the letters or introducing spaces between words would not mat substantially influences reading speed or accuracy. These data argue for a stage of letter identification in which the graphic form is transformed into a string of alphabetic characters that are sometimes called "abstract letter identities."
The word identification requires not only that the constituent letters be identified but also that the letter sequence be processed. There are mechanisms by which the position of letters within the stimulus is determined and maintained is not clear, but a number accounts have been proposed. One possibility is that each letter is linked to a position in a world "frame" or envelope. It should be noted that under normal circumstances letters are not processed in a strictly serial fashion, but may be analyzed by the visual system in parallel. Disorders of reading resulting from impairment in the processing of the visual stimulus or the failure of this visual information to access stored knowledge appropriate to a letter string are designated "peripheral dyslexics" and are discussed in the future.
Often times student with this condition will excel in physical education and sports as they are confident in another skill set and excel in an area of learning where reading is not required. If a physical education teacher is aware that there is a dyslexic student in class games can be created that incorporate reading and letter identification through physical education lessons []. Studies have shown that dyslexic students who are in an environment where they feel comfortable often excel in classroom skills they may not be confident in. Master physical education teachers have helped many students with learning disabilities discover new potentials while learning through sports, games, and exercise.

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The Origins of Neurolinguistic Programming

Back in 1976, I read a book published one year earlier entitled - - "The Structure of Magic" - - written by two researchers, John Grinder and Richard Bandler. It arose out of a study of the process they would later call Neuro linguistic Programming - - or N.L.P.
John Grinder and Richard Bandler were fascinated by the ability of certain psychotherapists to establish almost instant rapport with patients or clients and to create rapid changes in the thinking and behavior patterns of most of them. These outstanding therapists included well known leaders in the field such as doctors Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, and Fritz Perls.
Bandler and Grinder's studies revealed that most of these therapists seemed to have an innate ability to "read" verbal and physical cues which sped up the process and enabled them to create desired changes, which ultimately benefited their patients.
Your first reaction may be: "So what?" or "What has this got to do with me?"
Examine for a moment the role of the psychiatrist. He can't put a stethoscope to your head as a conventional doctor does to your heart to find out what's going on. He can't use an E.K.G. or an M.R.I. to achieve a rapid diagnosis.
The process of psychiatric counseling frequently takes long periods of discussion and discovery to uncover causation - thus even longer to effect change. Can you see the similarity to what you may be attempting to do in your profession, or occupation? If you work with people - - if your work requires you to manage or convince others, or, if your profession requires you to learn effective communication skills, you are aware of how important it is to understand how others are feeling, what they are thinking, how they are reacting to your statements, what their value systems are and other similar issues.
Grinder and Bandler studied the methods of successful psychotherapists (and some who were less successful), their methodology, their patients' reactions, and then they measured the systems being used. They came to the conclusion that these methods could be replicated, not only by other therapists, but also by those in other professions.
Soon, other researchers extended the understanding and use of Neuro linguistic Programming to other fields.
Think about it for a moment - - These famous psychiatrists were attempting to establish rapid rapport with patients and then, while maintaining a high level of confidence, create changes in thinking and behavior. Isn't that what most executives, managers, or salespeople want to do?
Abundant research has proven that the same skills are to be found in many successful managers, executives and salespeople, as well as those who seem to be able to "read" their employees, associates and customers and respond to them warmly and openly, thus creating rapport, trust and inevitably stronger confidence.
In fact, some highly skilled salespeople seem to have a natural ability to establish rapport by matching a customer's behavior, style, or even their value system, then adapting their presentation to these traits.
As early as 1976, two researchers by the names of Busch and Wilson theorized that certain skilled salespeople were unconsciously practicing methods similar to those used by N.L.P.-trained therapists, leading to outstanding sales records. Their research indicated that customers who purchased products and services from these salespeople perceived themselves as being more similar to the salesperson than customers who did not buy.
Further research concluded that to a large extent, rapport building as utilized by top salespeople involved establishing those similarities in the mind of the prospect or customer early in the relationship and then continuing to build rapport as the process continued.
During the late 70's and early 80's, continuing research produced a steady stream of information regarding the results achieved when N.L.P. techniques were utilized in sales training.
For reference, here are but a few of the outstanding research papers:
  • "The Making of a Super Salesman." Los Angeles Herald Examiner, September 5, 1982,
  • Vol. 112, No. 126, Section B, p. 3. Alex Ben Block.
  • "To Trust, Perchance to Buy." Psychology Today, August, 1982, pp. 51-54.
  • "Successful Salespeople: Are They 'Svengalis'?" Training Magazine, March 1982,
  • Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 78-79. Rom Zemke, Research Editor.
  • "Influencing with Integrity." Dr. Genie G. Laborde, Syntony Press, 1983.
This represents only a small part of the representative research and articles. Check out your library and the internet, search for Neuro linguistic Programming, and you will be amazed at the information available.

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How To Outline Your Research Paper In 3 Easy Steps

You've gotten a new assignment: you're required to read a primary text, cite 3 secondary sources, and write an analytical paper with introduction, thesis, supporting arguments and a conclusion.
You probably have a lot on your mind regarding developing your ideas and articulating them in a brilliant paper. Before you blast through the door to the library though, you need to write an outline that will contain the core of your ideas in brief.
I won't attempt to convince you of the necessity of writing an effective outline, I only hope that I can convince you to try it and see it work for yourself. Luckily, it's an easy thing to do, especially when you follow these 3 steps:
Finding Your Thesis
You may get bogged down in all of the aspects of constructing your paper, but there are really only three things you should be concerned with: finding your argument, making your case, and organizing your supporting evidence.
Essentially you're only making one argument, which is your thesis. This single statement alone will decide the entire direction of your paper.
How do you come up with one? By writing about what interests you most about your primary text or topic. It doesn't matter if you have no interest whatsoever in what you're studying, with a little effort you can find something worth writing about.
Getting Your Research Together
Next is the construction and presentation of your supporting evidence. During the course of your research, you're likely to find a bunch of sources that are interesting and add new dimensions to your paper, but have little to do with your thesis. You'll also find sources that are more pertinent to your topic but less interesting. Is it okay to add the interesting stuff to your paper?
The answer is that it is okay but that you should stick primarily with the relevant content; it should be the majority of your paper. If you'd like to throw in some more controversial stuff, feel free to, sometimes it can really add to your presentation. But remember that straight-shooting, precise and relevant writing always does well, while writing that goes off on tangents does well some of the time.
Also remember that your supporting paragraphs don't stand alone but that they work together. You need to think about how they logically connect to each other, and how they develop from your thesis.
Let's make sure I don't confuse you. When you first start to write your outline, you won't have any research, so just write down what you'll be looking to include. When you have completed your research and found good reference material, plan how you're going to use it in your paper with your outline.
The Final Touches
You're almost finished; you just need to check over your outline to make sure it has these elements:
1. The warm-up to your thesis. Write a general background illustrating where you're coming from and why your argument makes sense.
2. How you present your thesis and move into your first supporting statement. This crucial area is where you begin to really engage the reader.
3. Each of your supporting statement paraphrased in a sentence or two.
4. The closing point (leave the reader with a thought) of your conclusion.
Now, with your outline complete, start writing! Use this document as your lighthouse, and you're going to see better results and a higher grade in less time.

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Pre-Written Love Letters - 3 "Obvious" Reasons You Should You Use Them

Pre-written love letters are excellent solutions when you are at a loss for words. Putting thoughts to paper can be difficult a lot of the time. We actually put off writing what's in our heart because of the struggle to find the right words. These are the perfect templates to personalize and modify to the uniqueness of your relationship.
What's great about pre-written love letters is they're already written by people who have articulately put pen to paper to communicate authentic emotion. A prewritten romantic letter can cover varying stages of relationship to help you achieve the results you want, albeit to become more than friends, get through troubling times, enhance your sex life, win back an ex or capture the attention of the love of your dreams... all without writing a single word, if you choose not to.
So if you're still not convinced of the benefits, then here are...
3 "Obvious" Reasons You Should Use Pre-written Love Letters
1. Personalization
The advantage of a pre-written love letter is that it can be edited and personalized to your heart's content. Many times you find one that says exactly what you want to say. You know the saying - you took the words right out of my mouth - that is exactly the purpose of a prewritten romantic letter. They provide you with the perfect words and expressions without any emotional writer's block.
Pre-written letters offer the convenience of editability and can be easily customized for your situation. Frequently, you will spot one that eloquently speaks the desires of your heart. Imagine when you've read something that says exactly how you feel, that's the need romantic letters that are prewritten fulfills. They all offer well thought-out paragraphs designed to enrapture and charm, while avoiding the anguish of thinking of the "right" words to say.
2. Perfect Words - No Stress
Pre-written love letters allow you the advantage of using the perfect words of a wordsmith while avoiding the stress of experiencing your own writer's block. Ironically, they tend to activate creativity that causes you to elaborate further on what has been provided. Sometimes all you may need to do is re-write what's already provided and just add a special fragrance. Make a point of personalizing your letter by handwriting it yourself, it displays added mindfulness.
3. Eliminate Writer's Block
Expressing our inner-most thoughts and feelings can cause many of us to panic. Even if we are able to crank out one beautifully expressive romantic letter, coming up with another can be a real problem. Love letters that are prewritten can be the perfect solution.

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Avoid These College Application Mistakes

If you or your child is currently in the process of applying to a variety of colleges, you need to know what mistakes to avoid. Here is a list of commonly reported goof-ups in the admissions process.
Two of the main mistakes that an admissions office will notice are misspellings and grammatical errors. An application is one of the first impressions that a school will receive about a student, and careless errors are not a good reflection on your work ethics. If a student won't proofread an application for errors, how are they going to perform as a student? Worst of all, some students have even made a spelling mistake when listing their major.
Make sure that the student reads the application carefully and follows instructions exactly as they are written. Mistaking the word "county" for the word "country" can cause an embarrassing error. As a courtesy to the admissions office, make sure that your son or daughter practices their best handwriting on the application. Illegibility won't leave a good first impression, and it is likely to get your child a rejection letter.
Always check the standard academic requirements of a college. While there are a few factors involved when trying to gain admission, the most important factor is classroom performance. Too many students make the mistake of not spending enough time on college preparatory classes. Make sure that the bases have been covered by choosing college-prep or advanced placement classes instead of study hall.
When researching schools, make sure that your son or daughter uses all available resources. From alumni and guidance counselors to school guides and DVD's, there is an abundance of information on schools around the country. Talk to financial aid officers for specifics on the admissions process. They will help your child create a timetable for their application process, and they may even help your student choose the school that's best for them.
Another common mistake is to choose a school without taking a tour. Any college or university will be happy to show prospective students what they have to offer, and it's critical for your child to see campus life firsthand. The right school in theory may not be the right school in reality. School websites alone are not a substitute for a campus visit.
The big name colleges have extremely high academic standards, and most that apply are turned down. Many smaller colleges offer an education equal to the big names at a fraction of the cost.
Speaking of price, keep in mind that the "sticker price" isn't necessarily their final offer. When financial aid packages are taken into consideration, pricing will change completely. What if your family makes too much money for government aid? Two-thirds of current students receive some form of financial aid. Merit-based scholarships and community grants make financial assistance available, even for families with high incomes.
A little research goes a long way. Begin by shopping around; make sure that performance is priority and ask several questions. These steps will ease the search for the perfect college.

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Successful Steps to Good Essay Writing

Often students try to avoid essay writing in their normal study course. However, they forget that essay writing is the most important part of the curriculum. Today due to competition there is a high expectation from students. With the burden of academic subjects, students often become careless about essay writing. They do not get enough time to think about developing a good essay writing skill.
However, with the advent of technology, things have become quite easy for students. The online essay writing services educate the students how to write a good essay.
Consider these simple steps and become a professional essay writer:
1. Consider essay as a process and not a task bounded with deadlines. You have to consider reading, thinking, planning and organizing your thoughts. You have to understand the topic and study about the topic. Primary research is very important before drafting your thoughts. Once you are finished with research process, start thinking creatively about the topic and make notes or pointers, which will help you during documentation process.
2. The blank screen or paper in front of you while drafting essay is the most difficult part of the process. You must sketch out a plan before writing. Once you have written down your points, start assembling these points. Give each point a logical heading; this will help you to elaborate your points. These will later develop into paragraphs of your essay.
The most important subheads will include:
An introduction, which will explain the sources of your study
Main body, which is an analysis of your topic. It will include the opinions, comments and findings. You can quote about some scientific research or media studies.
Conclusion is where you force the reader to accept your points. You can conclude with quotes or even end with a question that will boggle reader's mind.
All these points will give you an outline to your essay writing. Do not stick to one point. This makes the reader disinterested in your writing.
3. Your correct English is the most compelling part of essay writing. Use simple but correct English. Your essay may not be flowery in writing but must have substance in the subject. If it is argumentative, you must collect enough data to make it genuine. To improve on these points you must read many editorial sections from magazines or newspapers.
4. Try to make a rough draft of your essay before submission. You must read it aloud and look for any changes if required. If your essay is long or it is a dissertation, you must prepare small drafts of paragraphs and then try to focus on each paragraph. Try to make pointers on these paragraphs, which will help you during the assembly of all paragraphs. Do not lose track of your point or argument. In case if you are lost, refer to points.
5. Essays are small samples of knowledge. You cannot elaborate on an endless discussion. You must give it a strong voice and back up with supportive arguments and discussions. The essay must invoke reader's thought process. Keep everything in moderation. Do not lose your focus.

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Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Liberty, Freedom, Science and the US Constitution

Dear reader, this Ezine article has been written for perusal by over 6000 nano-scientists. Its theme suggests to the general public that ethical nanotechnology has an important role to play in bringing about a new age of global liberty and freedom. It can be argued that this can come about if nanotechnology is developed in liaison with a medical science, to guide ennobling government for the betterment of the global human condition. While the article is about the fractal nature of Mesopotamian mythological mathematics, it is fully realised that other ancient cultures, including Indian and Chinese civilisations, contributed infinite fractal mathematical concepts into the formation of the ancient 3rd Century BC Platonic tradition of Greek science.
Discussions about politics, sex and religion tend to provoke intense controversy. However, this paper is about a broad generalisation of all three of these contentious issues. They are so complex that only a supercomputer, given thousands of years of data could adequately explain their functioning in the great game of life, which is related to healthy human evolution.
During the 1990s, the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia had its supercomputer papers about seashell life-form energies reprinted by the world's leading technological research institute, IEEE., and an American Institute for Basic Research. These papers were internationally acclaimed for the discovery of new mathematical and physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. The aim of this article is to help in the construction of a second supercomputer program, which can be referred to as the Fuller-Snow 'World Game Cooperative Theory' for human survival.
China's most highly awarded physicist, Kun Huang, provided the research methodology used to make the discovery of the new physics laws possible. He argued personally with Albert Einstein over the issue. Now, nanotechnology has confirmed that his seashell advice in 1979 applies directly to the human condition.
The ancient Egyptians used the sacred geometries of life to give an intuitive expression of the working of an infinite universe. Mainstream science now realises that they were using aspects of fractal geometrical logic extending to infinity. However, our present global science and technology forbids that geometrical logic to belong to any living evolutionary process. Einstein's genius can now be truly immortalised by modifying it so that his universal energies of chaos are shown to entangle with these long lost ancient infinite life energies.
The 20th Century Einsteinian world-view was governed by a law of universal chaos that demands that all life in the universe must become extinct. Therefore, under these circumstances the living process cannot possibly extend to infinity. However, nanotechnology has demonstrated that the ancient Greek science was correct.
The human molecule of emotion, discovered in 1972, now part of quantum biology's entanglement with Einstein's quantum mechanics, is, in fact, an infinite fractal expression. Our emotions function in complete contradiction to the laws governing our present destructively imbalanced science and technology.
This means that, as was discovered only last century, emotions belong to Sir Isaac Newton's more profound natural philosophy to balance his mechanical description of the universe. It is important that his world-view is freed from any further Christian classification of this being a criminally insane heresy. Newton held to his more profound concepts of an infinite universe, when he wrote his great theories of science. This is evident in his personal letters to Richard Bentley, in which he linked gravity with light, to provide evolutionary instruction to the human metabolism. It is unreasonable to insist that mercurial fumes from his alchemy laboratory resulted in a criminally insane mind, at the same time when he was accomplishing such things.
The modern day unbalanced scientific world-view constitutes a political nightmare of global proportions. With modification, this can be adequately addressed in the form of a medical supercomputer program, functioning to guide ennobling governments throughout the world. The resultant technology, for the betterment of the human condition, is beyond the conception of present unbalanced mainstream science. However, given the opportunity, there are enough learned scholars to compose the computer program, thanks to the scientist Kun Huang. It is now possible to extend the seashell research in order to obtain the quantum biological blueprint for human survival.
During the 6th Century BC the Greek geometer, Thales, travelled to Egypt to study political ethics. Following him in the 5th Century BC, the mathematician, Pythagoras, also studied political ethics in Egypt. They brought back to Greece the mathematical structure of Western Democracy. The Greek philosopher Anaxagoras had derived a theory of creation from the mythological-mathematical theories of the Egyptian creator god Atum (Atom), mentioned in the 'Pyramids Texts'. Then, for over two hundred years the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy fused ethics into Anaxagoras' theory of creation. This was in order to invent science so that civilisation would not become extinct, as had other life forms discovered as fossils.
Aspects of nano-science show that the resultant science had successfully linked mathematics to the living process, in line with the workings of an infinite universe. This is contrary to the ethos of Einstein's theory of relativity, which he derived from Babylonian mythological mathematics.
During the 3rd Century BC two Greek life-sciences came into existence. one was called the 'Science for ethical ends' incorporating atomic Platonic love and the other was the 'Science of universal love', based upon Epicurean emotional atomic theory. These sciences came about to guide ennobling government, so that humans could play their part within an infinite ethical universal purpose, thus avoiding extinction. Nearby, in the Mystery Schools of Babylon, worship of the sacred geometries was motivated by the teachings of Ishtar, the Goddess of sexual prostitution and warfare.
Plato understood that once a physical atomic science totally ruled civilisation, as it does today, the prehistoric arms race legacy would one day accelerate, triggering the emergence of the destructive properties of ancient Egypt's understanding of primordial universal chaos. Plato's concept 'evil' was about the anti-life properties of nuclear unformed matter spreading as an obsession into the psyche of civilisations. Various national governments, powerless to stop the nuclear arms race because of governmental national security laws, would eventually bring about the chaos of total destruction upon civilisation. Nanotechnology on the other hand, could step in to provide a medical science, free energy, food and water, across the globe, in order to prevent this nightmare situation from happening.
Harvard University Press advises that the rebirth of the lost Greek atomic sciences was instigated by Marcilio Ficino, during the 15th Century. He used the book, 'Plato's Theology' to create what is now called the Great Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci, contrary to popular belief, was not a central figure to that Renaissance.
The mathematician, Fibonacci, taught Leonardo the sacred geometrical mathematical ethos belonging to the Mystery Schools of Babylon, which worshipped warfare. On the other hand, the inclusion of Platonic love as a property of the atoms of the soul (the molecule of emotion discovered by Candace Pert in 1972) had placed atomic ethics into the mathematical equations that Fibonacci obtained from the Babylonian Mystery Schools.

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